Thursday, May 15, 2008

Science Project... Part One

Zackery is working on his end of the year science project. With help, he decided to prove that yeast is alive and that it grows. For this experiment he is using water bottles, water, yeast, sugar and a balloon. The idea is to prove that the yeast is growing in that it puts out carbon dioxide and in turn blows up the balloon.

First step is gathering his ingredients.
Next he added everything to the bottles. He is using hot tap water for these trials. He is also using 1 cup of water and equal amounts of yeast and sugar. The first bottle has 1 tablespoon of each, the second has 2 tablespoons and the third has 3 tablespoons. This is to show that the more yeast and sugar, the more it grows.

Now had tops each bottle off with a balloon.
10 minutes later he has successfully blown up balloons. The red balloon in the middle exploded at 6 1/2 minutes and the orange balloon filled up with carbon dioxide. Seeing that the blue balloon only blew up a little bit, he proved that more sugar and yeast causes more carbon dioxide to be produced.
A success!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zack, that was a very exciting Science project! You did a good job and it was exciting to me to see it all come together and work!!
Love Granny