Zackery has been in need of a haircut for a while now but most weekends Sunday night comes around before I know it and I have run out of time to do his hair. Not this weekend though. I took him, the stool, and the clippers attached to an extension cord outside and zapped all of his hair away.
He is so happy with his new cut. He always spends the day or two after a buzz just feeling his head. I know he loves the prickly kind of feel and it is also one of the few times that I can get away with touching his head without him squirming away. I guess he must think that since he likes how it feels so much, I must as well and he tolerates the touching. A side benefit is that I get to not worry about his hair for a month or two which is always nice.
And then when I was done with him, Jonny asked if I could buzz his hair too. His beautiful and fairly long, just starting to cover his eyes and need a trim hair. I was a little heartbroken because he has such beautiful hair but since he asked for it, off it all came. He is now sporting a matching buzz like his big brother. I have to say, having no hair covering his eyes sure makes those eyes stand out and sparkle now.

I had no other takers, just these two. Mikey said he loved his haircut he has and Charlie ran the other direction when I so much as thought about wrestling him into a place I could cut it all off and besides, I love his curls. Patrick allowed a trim but is not getting anywhere near a buzz. I am also pretty safe with Lys, she likes her hair too much.
Triss, they are both so cute with their new cuts! They sure look happy, too!
Jonny & Zack
Very nice haircuts! What no picture of the oldest he growing a beard, and wants to surprise his Granny?
Love Granny
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