For you Mom, I love you.
Another year and the holiday approaches. A time when children come together to tell their mom's that they love them. To wish them a happy day and to celebrate all that it is that their mother's have done for them throughout the years.
As a child this involved big breakfasts and handmade gifts in brown paper bags carefully wrapped by small hands. Cherished in that moment for the priceless gifts that they were. Clay hand prints, small plants grown in classrooms, lots of kisses and hugs. Clean rooms without complaints and a time just to be together.
It is the same for me as a mom. The kids have been bringing home the cutest things to share with me. We also have a trip planned to the local nursery for plants to adorn my garden. I will get to see their love for the rest of the season and for many to come as well. Lots of smiles for them, lots of tears for me as I see my babies all growing up.
It is a time for me to reflect on the type of parent I am and how I got to be this way.
Our house growing up was always full of love. I was not the easiest kid to raise, and looking back I know that I gave mom many moments of heart stopping fear along with pride in my accomplishments as I grew older. I can remember broken bones, car accidents, and running away from home only to return to unconditional love that showed even through the lectures and punishments. I remember pride filled smiles for soccer goals, good grades, and for all of the good choices I made back then as well as the ones now for the person I am and the parent I have become.
One memory that always makes me smile when I look back is late nights, sitting up watching TV and making a sly suggestion about how good a milk shake would taste. I really wanted the french fries but knew I could get mom to make that late night run if enticed by a McDonald's milk shake. It did not always work, but those short car rides and the conversations we had on them and the happiness shared during that time is something that sticks with me today. Knowing that the answer was not always going to be no and knowing that mom was always there for me is precious to me and has stuck with me. And now I know she can smile when I tell her that Patrick does the same thing and we often walk across the street for late night snacks and just talk about whatever on our trip there and back.
Mom, I am the wife I am now because of you, the mother I am now thanks to you and the person I am now because of the foundation that you gave me growing up. I loved you them, love you now and will love you always for being who you are.
Happy Mother's Day!!!