Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Feeding this family can be challenging at times.

When you put together a child with Autism who does not care to have his food mixed, a couple of kids who will not drink milk and one who does not care much for meat, one who gags on onions and then throw in a hubby who really enjoys tinkering in the kitchen, sometimes we all end up eating different variations of the same basic meal.

Take tonight for instance. I decide on making one of mine and most of the kids favorites. It is a combination of fried potatoes, hamburger, onions, and pine nuts. Most of us enjoy this. Zack will not eat this mixed up combination and neither will Jonny because you can see the onions. So out comes some of the meat, plain, and added to the menu is some plain white rice. Dan hears this and decides that since this is not his favorite meal, he will mix the hamburger, onion and pine nut part of the mix with rice. We may get a taker to join him in that. Patrick eats anything.

On the side is broccoli with hollandaise sauce on top. That one is pretty easy since those who do not like it can choose not to have the sauce. Dan ended up taking the bottoms of the broccoli and cooked them with mushrooms, blended it all together with some milk and made a delicious soup. He will for sure get takers on that because Lys loves his soups.

So when all is said and done, everyone will have the same things done differently on their plates. Three frying pans, 2 pots, the veggie steamer and rice cooker all dirty and in the end, at least it is the hope, everyone will be happy.

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