In all ways you can imagine, I am not a morning person. This becomes difficult when you have 4 out of 6 children who like to wake up early. Not only do they wake up early but they wake up like their daddy, alive, vibrant and ready for the day the moment their eyes open.
For the most part, Lys and Jonny, the two who are most awake and also the loudest, tend to remain calm. They will turn on the TV and get dressed for school.
Then there are days like today. 6:15AM and I can hear arguing coming from the bedroom. Mind you, this is a full 45 minutes before anyone else in the house needs to be awake. The arguing is followed by a stern hush to Jonny from Alyssa. (At least SHE knows they are not supposed to be arguing.)
Wonderful silence follows until about 10 minutes to 7 when they can simply no longer contain themselves. I grumble as I head down the hall only to run smack dab into Lys as she is running out of her room to attempt to get to the computer first Jonny flying after her, not dressed at all and trying to scream in a whisper that he gets the first turn.
No computer for either of them as they are told to go and sit down for breakfast.
I am pretty sure I fed them cereal but since I was not really awake until long after they left for school, who really knows.