Friday, January 19, 2007

I am too bigger!

I was sitting in the living room, only sort of listening to the conversation that Jonny and Mikey were having at lunch. Their voices got louder and caught my attention with Jonny saying, "No you aren't" followed by Mikey's tearful, "Yes I am." I told them both that it was enough arguing and to please eat your lunch and got up to go into the kitchen to make sure that is what was going to happen.

I walk in to find Mikey standing on his chair, about to burst into tears, and yelling at Jonny across the table, "Yes I am too bigger!" He then sat down and Jonny who could see I was standing in the doorway whispers, "Now you're not."

Mikey stands up again in the kind of frustration that only a 3 year old can muster and yells to Jonny again, "Yes I am too bigger!". He sees me and says, "Mommy, tell Jonny I am too bigger when I stand up."

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