It has been quite a while since I have done anything with my blog, sorry mom. This semester at school added to the kids getting out of school for the summer made for quite a busy month and a half.
I am happy to say we all survived it and came out on the flip side ready for a fun filled summer. Not sure what kind of fun we are actually going to have but we will figure it out. I am thrilled to report that the kids grades were great with Lys and I both getting all A's.
Alyssa, Jonny, and Mikey have decided to play soccer in the fall so they are signed up and ready to go with that. Patrick is driving now, he has his permit and is one drive away from passing his drivers training course. Zackery had an exceptional year at school to which I give all the credit to his wonderful aid Kim. She is awesome! Charlie is ever my wild child and keeps us on our toes. He is very sad he cannot attend summer school with the other three so we keep him busy here at home. Dan is working on telemarketing with a new client and is enjoying it and I am gearing up for classes over the summer.
I will be backtracking and adding in pictures from the last couple of months so for those of you who follow my blog, sorry for all of the extra emails. Enjoy the updates, who knows when a new one will arrive. *smile*